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Dr. Bridget Leonard

Executive Nurse | Leadership/Motivational Speaker | Life Coach

What may have broken others Dr. Bridget Leonard uses as building blocks to her next level of success; she embodies the word perseverance. She is committed to helping people identify their strategic goals, tear down potential barriers, and develop strategies to make their dreams a reality. From motivating the masses, team building, and engagement, to employee recognition and professional advancement opportunities, Dr. Bridget is sure to leave a mark on the hearts and minds of attendees through her speaking and nuggets of wisdom.

Dr. Leonard's innate ability to encourage, motivate, and inspire others has transformed the lives of hundreds in the nursing industry and the marketplace at-large. Through her coaching she will engage you in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximize personal and professional potential by facilitating the creation of personal and professional goals. As a nursing leader with over 25 years of experience she provides leadership and motivational speaking; her transparency, courage, and motivation empowers people to know anything is possible when they are committed to doing the work.

As a life skills coach and public speaker, it is very important to know these three things:

1. Believe in yourself. If you don't believe in yourself, you will tend to shy away from opportunities that are meant for you to excel and/or help others. Know your worth, show up confident, and show that you are the expert that can help them achieve desired goals.

2. Stay Ready! Have the following ready to send at a moment's notice:

  • Professional headshot and full body picture.

  • Personal bios. Have a 150-word version and a longer, more detailed version that describes who you are, what you do, and what you have to offer.

  • One page speaker sheet or one page sheet detailing services you offer as a coach.

  • Professional 10-minute reel of a previous speech or compilation of testimonials about your coaching.

3. Ensure you have a digital footprint whether it is a landing page describing what you have to offer or a website.

All of John Maxwell's leadership books have inspired me to be the best leader I can be. My favorite book by Mr. Maxwell is The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, I immediately gravitated to the 2nd law which is The Law of Awareness: You must know yourself to grow yourself. I did not begin to flourish in my life and career till I completed a self-reflection and decided I wanted more out of life. Once I realized my potential and my worth the world was at my fingertips; no goal was unachievable, and anything was possible.

What keeps me going when things get tough in my business is remembering my personal mission statement. My mission statement reads, "I will positively impact at least one person, every day, through words, thoughts, or actions." This statement allows me to start each day with intention, to focus on goals, and to make a positive difference not only in my life, but also in the lives of others. I've learned sharing myself with others allows them to see that the barriers in their lives can become building blocks to their best life, nothing can stop them from achieving their goals if they are willing to do the work.

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