Entrepreneur | Author | Spiritual Leader
Lenika Scott is a powerhouse world leader and extraordinary businesswoman on the rise! Radiating with a contagious entrepreneurial spirit and an unmatched standard of excellence, she has already established such a powerful impact in several industries. A woman with many roles, Lenika is widely known as a kingdom-based entrepreneur, author, relentless spiritual leader, and proud mother of six daughters. Generating multiple millions within her businesses over the span of a decade, Lenika has coined the befitting title as “The Millionaire Mom”.
Which people or books have had the most influence on your growth and why?
The person who had the most impact on my life was my mother. I saw a woman who worked so hard to take care of her children. She was determined to provide the best life she could, given the cards she had been dealt. She instilled in me values at an early age that would greatly serve me through my adult years but would have a profound impact in my business career. One of the most precious values she taught me was to honor and respect people. Honor is defined as high respect or esteem. When we honor others, we let them know they are significant and valuable. When seeds of value and significance are sown in others a harvest will always be produced. Your wealth is in people!
Talk about the biggest failure you've had. What did you learn from it?
In 2009, my husband and I built a million-dollar business from the ground up and two years later our business crumbled and crashed losing everything. Ground zero, home assets gone. As a result, I found myself standing in the line feeling broken and ashamed requesting food stamps/government assistance. What else could I do? We have a large family and mouths needed to be fed. Through this process we had to quickly change our mindset and make a decision. To this day I quote two personal sayings that I came up with during my time of despair.
1. Focus on the promise and not the pain.
2. Do not let your down place define you.
Whatever you focus on the most will grow. If we would have focused on our pain and trials, we would have continued to produce pain and trials however, we chose to focus on our God given abilities, skills, and talents. We knew if we were able to build a million-dollar business before we certainly could do it again. We didn't allow our down place which was our wilderness to define us. We saw ourselves as victorious and we attracted what we saw.
What would you say to a business owner that is currently struggling?
To the business owner that is currently struggling I would definitely recommend them finding their focus. As mentioned in the last answer, many times as an entrepreneur our focus is so broad, and we find ourselves not operating at our full potential because we are all over the place. Since focus is absolutely critical to your attraction to wealth, you must be aware of all distractions. Respect your goals, dreams, and values by maintaining your focus. Find the things that are working for you, zone in and focus on those!